Soft ground – a risk for injury?
If you live in Ireland, it’s no secret we have frequent rainfall. From Jan-Apr 2024 we seen the highest amount of rainfall (mm) year to date across the last 4 years. I’ve never seen as much disruption to field sports, namely GAA, Rugby and Soccer (as they are...
Does your warmup put athletes to sleep?
I was at a local Basketball match recently and was surprised to see that the warm up had changed a lot and not for the better. I saw both teams do their “sport” warm up and this didn’t change much over the years. Players finding their touch and range with a ball,...
How to rehydrate for athletes
How to rehydrate for athletesTime to read: ~5mins As an athlete your goal, when finished a training session/match, is to prepare for the next training session or game. Your priorities should be as follows: Rehydrate Replenish Rebuild In this article, we focus on...
Why do Maximal aerobic speed training with GAA athletes?
Read time ~ 6 mins Traditionally your conditioning may have been any of the following; road running long slow distances, sprints or on field shuttles with the same distance for everyone. GAA sports are intermittent in nature (slow, go, repeat) and place demands on...
Squat, knees over toes?
Time to read: 4 min “Don’t let your knees go over your toes”, “keep your knees behind your toes” are cues you may have heard before. When asked why, the person giving the cue, may say it is safer for your knees; they’re not wrong, when the knees move forward during...
Building the GAA athlete – Introduction.
Over the next few weeks I’ll show you what goes into “building” a high level GAA athlete and how to approach your own training to enhance your performance. Here’s an intro to a series of article that will begin this week exclusive to...
Why meal plans aren’t the solution to weight loss.
Read time: ~4 mins By default, when people think of meal plans, they think of a “coach”. Typically, on social media a marketing strategy is to show your clients’ progress or “before & afters”. Which is fine, however oftentimes, these coaches/clients achieved their...
Do you need to cut bread from your diet to lose weight ?
Read time: 3 mins Bread & weight loss We’ve all heard it, “cut out the bread” or the weight-loss story of “Mary down the road lost 2 stone, she cut out all bread”. Mary did lose weight but was this a result of removing the “evil” bread from her diet? No. Mary...