Sport Specific, Strength & Conditioning
I was at a local Basketball match recently and was surprised to see that the warm up had changed a lot and not for the better. I saw both teams do their “sport” warm up and this didn’t change much over the years. Players finding their touch and range with a ball,...
Nutrition, Performance Nutrition, Sport Specific
How to rehydrate for athletesTime to read: ~5mins As an athlete your goal, when finished a training session/match, is to prepare for the next training session or game. Your priorities should be as follows: Rehydrate Replenish Rebuild In this article, we focus on...
Nutrition, Strength & Conditioning
Read time: ~ 6mins “Fasted cardio helps you burn fat, you’ve no food in your system so it has to use the fat to fuel it….duh” – We’ve all heard this at some stage, it’s still being echoed by many coaches and gym goers seeking to get #shredded.Let’s break...