Why meal plans aren’t the solution to weight loss.
Read time: ~4 mins By default, when people think of meal plans, they think of a “coach”. Typically, on social media a marketing strategy is to show your clients’ progress or “before & afters”. Which is fine, however oftentimes, these coaches/clients achieved their...
Do you need to cut bread from your diet to lose weight ?
Read time: 3 mins Bread & weight loss We’ve all heard it, “cut out the bread” or the weight-loss story of “Mary down the road lost 2 stone, she cut out all bread”. Mary did lose weight but was this a result of removing the “evil” bread from her diet? No. Mary...
An appropriate rate of weight loss.
Find out what’s an appropriate rate of weight loss for you & how it can impact fat loss. Read time : ~3mins Most people judge their success of weight loss by how fast the scale drops. There are many issues with this approach (aggressive dieting, rigidity,...
Does fasted cardio enhance fat loss?
Read time: ~ 6mins “Fasted cardio helps you burn fat, you’ve no food in your system so it has to use the fat to fuel it….duh” – We’ve all heard this at some stage, it’s still being echoed by many coaches and gym goers seeking to get #shredded.Let’s break...